Hello Theatre Parents!
It’s October, and we have plenty of exciting updates for you this month!
1. **Class Fees:**
If you haven’t done so yet, please ensure your student’s class fees are paid. Cash or checks (made out to “Grissom Theatre”) can be placed in the payment box in the theatre classroom. Account balances were sent home with your student last week.

2. **Candle Fundraiser for Musical Students**
We’re kicking off a Candle Fundraiser for those involved in the musical! Sales begin on October 14, and all forms and funds must be submitted by November 18. This is a great way to support our program and help students offset costs. These make excellent gifts!
3. **Rehearsal Schedules:**
For those involved in the One-Act play or The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (BCPE), check the Calendar page on our website for updated rehearsal schedules. You can easily add these events to your personal calendar by using the “+” buttons on the page.

4. **Volunteer Opportunities - Trumbauer Chaperones Needed:**
We need chaperones for the Trumbauer competition! If you’re able to help, please fill out our Volunteer Form. We’ll be reaching out soon to those who have already signed up. Your support makes these events possible!
5. **Parent Page Access:**
If you haven’t yet, visit our website and request access to the parent pages. Make sure we can quickly identify you with your theatre student to grant access! These pages are your go-to for essential updates, rehearsal schedules, and involvement opportunities.
That’s all for this month! Thanks for your continued support of Grissom Theatre – we couldn’t do it without you!

Olivia Skillern
Theatre Director-Grissom High School